Friday, September 30, 2005

rasberries, hair, teeth and a bat

These are some more recent pictures. Of special note is the beloved bat, Abe's new pearly whites(if you look close, they are on the bottom), Abe's outrageously punk hairstyle and a picture of him mid-rasberry. It's a little unbalanced when it comes to per-child picture today, but it just so happens that I had a bunch of Abe to post. Thankfully, he is content to roll all over the floor here in the laundry/playroom/catch-all room with me while I write this. Last night, he got his chubby little leg stuck in between the bars of the crib and was in hysterics for about 30 minutes of our harried soothing techniques. He was doing that involuntary sucking-in cry that is oh so pathetic. Yesterday and the day before, we went to a local pool in the morning and the boys loved it! Trey just kept saying "wat-y" and shaking his hands like he does when he's excited. The pool is ultra has a gradual slope like a beach, so he can just walk right in. Now, we just have to teach him to swim. Abe loved it too. He just kept splashing and kicking and cooing. We are going to go again with Mike on Saturday morning, so I should have some pictures of it(hopefully, I will remember the camera this time). Also, on Tuesday, I took them both to this kids program at the library which they both seemed to really enjoy(and I did too cause I might meet a few other moms to hang out with). Alright, well, Abe's limit has been reached so I'd better hop to it.

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